One week of therapy done. Two weeks after surgery.

Just to recap, I had surgery on May 2 (Monday)  then my follow up checkup was on May 4 (Thursday). I pretty much just stayed put at home after surgery because moving around was difficult and it was still painful. I took Arcoxia, the painkiller for 3 days, and antibiotics for a week. As for taking showers, I just did sponge baths and went to the salon to get my hair washed. My first trip to my shower stall was on May 11.

With the post surgery bandages.

One of the things that is a problem when recovering from an ACL operation is peeing.  It’s hard to sit down on a toilet wearing an immobiliser, and squatting is impossible.  My solution? The PStyle.  What is it? “The pStyle is a plastic device that allows you to pee standing up without undressing. It is a simple design that works exceptionally well. The pStyle is easy to position properly and the rounded edges are very comfortable. Because it is made of rigid plastic, the pStyle is easily maneuvered into the clothes you are wearing. The rounded back edge can be used to wipe with so there are no drips! It is easy to clean by shaking vigorously or rinsing.”  Taken from their website.

It looks like this:

The PStyle
The pStyle! Enables me to pee standing up.

It’s super helpful to have around, especially since ACL patients have been known to pee on their immobilisers. I won’t name names. 🙂 I don’t have a problem using public bathrooms. I’ll definitely start bringing this around when I travel too.

I saw the Pacquiao fight with my family while we celebrated my Ate Donna’s birthday and Mother’s Day on May 8.  I also got a haircut that day, and ate at Chuck’s Deli in Serendra. Good milkshake, bad sandwich.

Therapy started on Monday, May 9 at the Sprain and Strain Clinic in Alabang. My  therapy  with PT Raissa goes like this:

Cold compress for 15 mins.

Electric stimulation for the muscle for another 15.

Raissa moves my knee cap back and forth to loosen any adhesions.

Heel slides for my knee to reach my goal of bending it 90 degrees.  I only reached around 60 degrees that day. It took forever and was painful and tiring. My muscles were so weak from being immobilised for so long. It’s uncomfy. I cry because it hurts! Raissa tells me I can stop using the immobiliser.

Tuesday therapy was the same, although I reached around 70+ degrees. I still use my crutches

Wednesday therapy I reached 90 degrees once, thanks to  the pushing powers of my therapist, Raissa. I was bawling myself out in pain and couldn’t endure it for one more time, so I decided to call it a day and try again tomorrow. Quad sets, leg raises and hamstring curls were introduced to my routine.

May 12, 2011 My ACL leg is yellow!

For Thursday therapy I came prepared. I asked permission to take a painkiller before going to therapy, and my PT said okay. I was able to reach the required 90 degrees for 50 repetitions!

Friday was my day off for therapy and my first day back at work.

On Saturday I did everything from Thursday in a shorter span of time. Yay! Now I just have to reach 100 degrees. I hope next week therapy goes well and I’ll start walking normally.
So now, on Sunday I’m walking with a limp because of the lag (bend) of my ACL knee. There’s still discomfort, but at least I can bend my knee 90 degrees, and sit without having to prop my knee up another chair.
My scars are fully dry, the stitches from the 3 smaller ones from fixing the MCL have fallen off.  The long one will take a bit more time to heal.
Wish me luck for next week!

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